Township Supervisors
A three-person Board of Supervisors, elected at large, one of whom serves as Chairman, governs Pine Township. The term of office is six years, one supervisor being elected every two years. Officers are elected at the annual organizational meeting on the first Monday in January.
Although Supervisors are responsible for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Township, their positions are essentially voluntary and not the primary occupation of the incumbents. Supervisors perform both legislative and executive duties. They legislate by setting policy, passing needed ordinances and resolutions, adopting budgets, and levying taxes. They also perform executive functions such as formulating the budget, enforcing ordinances, approving expenditures, and hiring employees.
Jeremy Nissly , Supervisor
Rob Raudenbush , Chairman
Shelly Johnston , Vice Chairman/Roadmaster
Meetings are held at the Township building at 925 Oregon Hill Road at 6:00 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of every month. Public comment and participation is always welcome and encouraged.