Other Elected and Appointed Officials
The principal mission of the Office of the Township Secretary is to be dedicated to, understand and fulfill the needs of the Board of Supervisors, the community and the Township organization. This includes maintaining the Township's official legislative acts, ensuring an open and public government, and conducting the business of the Board in an ethical, impartial and equitable manner. From coordinating interviews to fill vacancies on the Township’s many Boards and Commissions to chairing formal bid openings, preparing proclamations for the Board to creating resolutions requiring Board action, the Township Secretary is indispensable to the successful operation of our local government.
The Treasurer is responsible for the proper accounting and reporting of all financial activities of the Township. They also prepare budgets and provide financial information to the board.
Tax Collector:
Lycoming County
48 West Third Street
Williamsport, Pa 17701
The Tax Collector is responsible for collecting County and Township taxes. They are also responsible for collecting Township Per Capita tax, Interim taxes and issues tax permits for Mobile Homes.
Permit Officer:
Lori Laubestein
It is the responsibility of the Township Permit officer to issue placards from the applications received from county.
Building Code Inspections:
Erb Building Inspections
972 Boom Station Road
Lawrenceville, PA 16929
(570) 827-3474
Responsible for providing services in accordance with the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (PUCC).
Permits and Zoning Hearing Board:
Lycoming County Planning Commission
48 West Third Street
Williamsport, Pa 17701
Secretary / Treasurer
Debra Pier, Secretary
Jennifer Studenny , Treasurer